
Author: Mariela


Find out about my summer at home reading these posts (in Spanish):

-El verano en la comarca del Bidasoa (I): San Marcial

-El verano en la comarca del Bidasoa (II): boda, playa y demás planes

-El verano en la comarca del Bidasoa (III): bodas y más reencuentros

-El verano en la comarca del Bidasoa (IV): por el interior del País Vasco francés (+ despedidas)

You'll also find pictures of some of my favorite places in the Basque Country, stories of traditional festivities, wedding celebrations and delicious foodie recommendations!


I don't know about you, but I find moving in and out is a constant feature when living abroad. As an expat, you're brand new when you arrive to a destination and have no clue about the best places to live, have fun and so on. After you've settled in for a while, you start looking for the perfect house. I've been there, so this is the story about my third and last move in Washington DC (I hope).