Summer at home
Find out about my summer at home reading these posts (in Spanish):
-El verano en la comarca del Bidasoa (I): San Marcial
-El verano en la comarca del Bidasoa (II): boda, playa y demás planes
-El verano en la comarca del Bidasoa (III): bodas y más reencuentros
-El verano en la comarca del Bidasoa (IV): por el interior del País Vasco francés (+ despedidas)
You'll also find pictures of some of my favorite places in the Basque Country, stories of traditional festivities, wedding celebrations and delicious foodie recommendations!
Exploring Castilla: Valladolid & Zamora
Discover delicious tapas, history and a lot more! Read here about my visits to the historic Spanish cities of Valladolid and Zamora.
From St Petersburg with love
Read below about my trip to St Petersburg! I traveled to this Russian city for work and met there with colleagues and family. We had such a great time!
What to see and do in Iceland in 4 days
Are you traveling to Iceland soon and don't know where to start? First, let me tell you that this remote country is worth the trip. If you're a nature lover, this country has it all: from imposing glaciers and waterfalls to dangerous geysers and volcanic beaches, you'll be amazed by the spectacular landscapes. In this post I'll be sharing what to see and do in Iceland in 4 days, including a suggested itinerary and a map pinning all the locations. Ready to discover this fascinating land of ice and fire?
8 things to see and do in Iceland
Iceland is a country full of surprises: imposing glaciers and waterfalls , dangerous geysers and volcanic beaches will certainly leave you speechless. But there's much more to the land of ice and fire. In this post, I've rounded up 8 things you should see and do in Iceland. Enjoy!