The Alarde in Irún: ‘fiestas’ of San Pedro & San Marcial
Traditions close to one's heart can be hardly put in writing. So many words come to my mind when I think of June 30th, the day of San Marcial: passion, pride, emotion, memories. This is by far my favorite day of the year, the one we wait for all year long in my hometown of Irún. Curious to learn more about the traditional military parade known as Alarde? Then keep on reading.
A guide to the Feria de Abril in Sevilla
Every year, Sevilla becomes the city that never sleeps for a week. During those days, locals and visitors flock to 'El Real de la Feria', a vast outdoor complex set for the occasion, to enjoy life dancing sevillanas, drinking rebujito and meeting with friends and family. Want to know more about this unique celebration? Then keep on reading this guide about the Feria de Abril in Sevilla (Spain) to understand and navigate this festive occasion like a true sevillan@. Olé!
The story behind one of my favorite sweets: ‘opilla’
And what's the 'opilla' you may ask? Well, let me take you back to my hometown and tell you a sweet story about this delicious cake (and share the recipe :) ).