(inspiring) minimalism
Less is more.
We have all heard that.
But what if I told you that I have experienced it myself and it is making me happier?
At the beginning of this 2017 I received an email subscription from The Minimalists, whom I had kind of forgotten about.
I got introduced to these guys last year by a friend of mine who brought their documentary to a major DC theater.
In case you don’t know them, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, known as “The Minimalists” to their 4 million readers, help people live more meaningful lives with less through their website, books, podcast, and documentary.
Since I watched that documentary last year (or maybe thanks to it) I began getting rid of some of my stuff. I have to admit that moving out to new apartments helps too. But I started to realize, little by little, that so many of the things I was surrounded by were not necessary.
My point is we own so many things we don’t even notice and we are certainly encouraged to perpetuate that.
Coming back to this ‘minimalist’ email subscription I received, I began to delve into their website and landed on this very inspiring article on packing. I really liked what I read. Plus, I had just gotten back to my apartment in DC and was in need of rearranging stuff. It turns out I went out from one room to another getting rid of things. Some went to the trash, some others were put away. To end this on a high note, I decided to organize a declutter party with those items I had discarted (clothes – lots of them!, I just kept the ones I felt more comfortable wearing-, kitchenware, lamps, you name it). Besides, it is always a good idea to get some extra money for the things you really like, right?
I won’t call a minimalist myself yet but I think I’m on the way!